You deserve someone who’s all in, someone who doesn’t flinch at the idea of commitment, who doesn’t hesitate when it comes to giving you their full attention, their full heart. There’s no halfway when it comes to love—no gray area, no “maybe” or “I’ll see.” It’s either all or nothing. You shouldn’t have to compete for their time, their energy, their loyalty. If they’re dividing themselves between you and someone else, if they’re keeping one foot out the door, then they’re not really yours, and they never will be.
Love isn’t a part-time gig. It’s not something you dip in and out of when it suits you, when the mood strikes. It’s a commitment, a choice you make every single day to be there, fully present, fully engaged. And you deserve that, all of that. You deserve someone who sees you and knows, without a doubt, that you’re the one they want, the one they’re willing to go all in for.